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Rely On Nuclear Lead for Hot Cell Shields

Advances in nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceuticals have increased the need for radiation containment chambers, called hot shield cells. These cells are used to safely inspect used nuclear fuel rods or work with items that are high-energy gamma-ray emitters. Most commonly, to process medical isotopes, once irradiated in a nuclear reactor or particle accelerator, would be contained and carried in a hot cell. Nuclear Lead is dedicated to providing our clients with unrivaled hot cells. We take products a step further by offering our Hot Cell Shields nationally. To learn more about our Hot Cell Shields, schedule a consultation.

What Are Hot Shield Cells?

Hot shield cells are specialized radiation containment chambers or cells that allow trained operators to manipulate radioactive isotopes safely and efficiently. They provide a safe environment for companies to better control and manipulate nuclear materials for their needs. These hot cells are mainly used in the nuclear energy or medicine industry, specifically in manufacturing radiopharmaceuticals. Nuclear Lead offers custom-designed hot shield cells to ensure your team can extract plutonium for reactor fuel or process medical isotopes. There are several basic designs for hot cells, including research and development cells, stackable mini-cells, and produce and dispense cells. We’ll work with you to design and manufacture a custom hot shield that seamlessly integrates with your process.

Explore Our Hot Cell Shields

At Nuclear Lead, our team works closely with our clients to ensure that the Hot Cell Shields we manufacture meet their needs and can seamlessly integrate into your process. Our team has the training and experience necessary to build personalized hot cells that can be used for particular processes or flexible enough for general use. We can even build your custom hot shield from the ground up. Take a look at our custom hot shield process, including:

  • Consultation – Each project starts with a consultation. These consultations allow our teams to understand our client’s needs and processes. We may make recommendations to streamline the process while exceeding our client’s expectations.
  • Creating a Mockup – We create full-size mockups of all custom-designed hot cells. This ensures our design meets all client requirements while remaining ergonomic and functional in any safe work environment.
  • Manufacturing and Testing – Our team will install your new custom hot shield once entirely manufactured. When completed, we run a factory acceptance test to ensure all documented needs are delivered and everything functions as intended.
  • Establish a Design – Once in agreement, we’ll design the custom hot shield cells. This allows the engineers to ensure any hot cell manufactured complies with all federal and state requirements. When we have a workable design, we share this with our clients to make any changes based on feedback.
  • Finalized Engineer – We’ll start finalizing the detailed engineering documents when the mockup is approved and meets all preliminary standards. This is where our team verifies our solutions fully meet the needs of our clients.

Why Choose Nuclear Lead?

Nuclear Lead has over 50 years of experience designing, manufacturing, and developing lead products for multiple irradiated or nuclear applications. We understand the importance of safely utilizing nuclear technologies to drive projects further, regardless of whether it’s to help produce energy or take precise measurements. Our team understands how vital precision, efficacy, and safety are in the industries we serve. With our product, your team will be safe from the harmful side effects of wave radiation. Nuclear Lead routinely works with large corporations, nuclear facilities, medical service providers, and Department of Energy laboratories. We’re committed to providing high-quality lead products.

Reach Out to Learn More

Nuclear Lead is confident our custom hot shields will fit your requirements without sacrificing quality and standards. Our team continuously strives to refine and improve our techniques based on client feedback. This is how we deliver hot cells that exceed our customer’s expectations. Our hot cells can be fully customized to fit your exact needs, and we can further develop industry and process-specific cells based on your needs and past experiences. Reach out to contact us to learn more about our custom hot shields.

To Learn More, Call Us (800) 621-5848 Or (865) 272-2118