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As a manufacturing facility of custom industrial lead products, Nuclear Lead Company has fabrication experience that includes industrial products, such as lead castings and lead weights, to meet any specification. Our expertise, coupled with high-quality lead machining equipment, allows us to develop virtually any lead product you desire.

Surface finishing and painting are available on all industrial lead products. We offer custom short-run and production casting. Other services include lead mold manufacturing, pattern making, lead machining, and steel welding.

Lead castings

Custom Lead Casting at Nuclear Lead Company Inc

Available in assorted lead alloys or antimonies, Nuclear Lead Company’s lead castings are gravity poured or pumped, depending on the application or size.

We can develop custom castings for any project you have in mind and in any shape you need. Whether you require a small casting whose measurements must be precise or a larger casting for a building, you can rest assured you will receive products that meet your exact specifications. We have extensive experience producing castings for application in areas where medical radiation shielding must be present. You can count on us to fabricate lead castings of the highest caliber for your lead-lined and lead-poured components.

Contact us at (800) 621-5848 for your lead product needs.